Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bmi For Big Breasted Women

poetic-political: not nationalism?

estimable Rolando Sánchez Mejías, Régis Bonvicino and others / as,

how not agree with your desire to trigger a global movement against nationalism in the arts, how not to subscribe to your shipment (cf. Catalonia Charter does not nationalist), without fail, to some extent, answer / what?

The disagreement here, radical (from a root remains , saying Celan, however, the air), far from calling into question your good intentions, is elsewhere. De facto: discordance so thoughtful and practical. For your letter, for long passages, exactly does the opposite of what says: pampers, mirrors bit with the opponent not reported, and is at times caught up in violence, rhetoric and language. Does your non-nationalist Charter was indeed a nationalist Charter against nationalism (and against itself by the way), this is still a Letter in the heart of nationalism? "Uma letter not nationalism? Such time. This was the point, today, disjunct. And an unfinished, here, what you decide? For if there is something irreducibly violent that were identified unambiguously, the absolute reference - for the case: the idealization (ie, the substantiation) of "nationalism", aka death. As one. As pure. As simple - for nothing, and input, fractured, inessential, disjunct (by others is such a disjuncture which makes any operation identifying "socio-political" and / or "text"). Even with the best intentions and ways of true.

Towards advances where Catalan nationalism?, part questions / answer your shipment, that is, assuming that because they call Catalan nationalism is one, and that a , this alleged a unique identity of the nationalism, uniquely advances (then however, we are told that this "progress" is really a "setback" delusional regression). Is not this gesture, there, confirmed, your, which gives an alleged identity value to nationalism, which immediately - and throughout the charter - specifically denounced? Still added: The question, of course, can be extended to other nationalisms and their meaning in modern societies . Translated: "progress towards where [the] other nationalisms, apart from the Catalan - but in truth (the truth is revealed to us the phrase that comes immediately in the Charter), others are not, or only empirically, then share, according to you the same fate as the Catalan nationalism? Response, yours: the political use of alleged "values \u200b\u200bof identity," coercively suppressing differences, etc. It is the leitmotif and singing voice of the whole letter: The Catalan nationalism [stress] today is articulated through a more or less covert violence, which operates institutionally covered with "good manners" , say, perhaps, with good intentions.

What is usually called nationalism (such as narcissism - even in the arts), if there is one (as you suggest), out of more than one entry, ie, differentiated and even differences among them, by little we forget their role (complex) in so-called independence of Latin American countries called on the current processes (perhaps even more complex) to dignify the continent's indigenous peoples called called American, and even in the romantic tradition called (ie, almost all the literature called modern). Or even, in every movement (perhaps endless) of incorporation of children in adults, beginning, as you know, with identifications of all sorts. Condemn nationalism without more, simply, if such exist, might sound good to the ear of beautiful souls, but in fact entails (even unconsciously) identify with the worst of the condemned and, incidentally, to victimize every child and / or girl to every infant that even we / others dwell, and who knows, we talk. (Incidentally in solidarity also that recently violated Ecuadorian girl in Barcelona just because, just because they have been identified as not identical, not same - because Ecuador).

In short: send your sobering and appreciated. Your intention is shared. However, all subscribe subscribe complaint of injustice in life (social) and just arts, that is, any initiative not phagocytosed by the gesture, speech, rhetoric, language and violent act that does but, beyond the possible nature of their intentions, to confirm and increase the unjust.

Regards, Carmen


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