Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wat To Put In A Wedding Invitation

tells the story of immigrants who must leave their homes to seek growth opportunities in another country himself, which necessarily require them to physically desarrraigarse but almost never in cultural ...
that leads them to transform their environment in a country sort of staff that carry the day, adpated in the new society that turns them on every street you walk ...
RESIDENT ALIENS is the focus of study clueless about aliens, looking for ways to conquer a people that refuses to die under the onslaught of the financial empire trying to break into society to dominate, with old stereotypes wrong product films and TV programs absurd ..
A naive way, but valid to want to find the right way to go unnoticed, but not before getting in trouble .. always
And not be so alien, no longer an illegal again, not just in one country ... but in a world as complex as this.
Each week is posted on this blog a page of this comic until we have the chapter complete.


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