Friday, April 18, 2008

Office Anniversary Sayings


the time they brought two Dell Desto viracochas VNOs yungas
my uncle that he then was in Cajamarca, which additional resciuió
the well and watering
WNV vn of them with gold glass of the drink
us use, the English
in rrescibiéndolo of her hand that shed, qual
what my uncle was very angry;
And after this, those two English
they showed the dho. my uncle a letter or book, or do not know
saying that this was the quíllea [ quillka: debuxo,
painting, needlework, teaches, logos] of God and the king, and my uncle as he felt insulted
the shedding of chicha
took the letter, or what it was, and flung him around, saying
"I know you give me there, go, go" and the English
turned to his companions, the quale
perchance he would give relacciones
of what they had seen and had happened to my uncle

(Tito Cusi Yupanqui, Vilcabamba, 1570)


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