Leur demeurance
Il ya des gens to ladite terre Qui sont assez belle corpulance more ILZ gens sont et effarables sauuaiges . Ilz ont leurs cheueulx Liez sur leurs tests d'en faczon VNE Pougny of fain teurcze VNG clou et passé par or my aultre chosse, and bind them in some sort of feathers ouaiseaulx. Ilz is voistent of peaulx of beasts, both men and women, but women are more closed and tight in their skins and sçaintes tell by the body. Ilz is paingnent certain colors tanned. Ilz have boats in what they are going by sea, which are deeds of eScorcher Bouaye ball, o Quoy ilz peschent strength seals, having Dempuis veuze, I have that there is no seu their homes and that 'ilz come chauldes more land, to take desditz sea lions and other things for their lives. (See voyage )
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