Sunday, January 30, 2011

Comparison Various Milk Powder Brands


So far I have already given a chronology with 58 events between 1905 and 1945, to play with various items role under War world and a brief introduction . In this post I will explain a campaign setting that is structured such occurrences.
The main idea is a non-governmental American organization that is dedicated to studying paranormal occurrences, the organization is composed of an amalgam of different researchers. Part of what I will explain a part of a future project with my usual gaming group, so if you are part of the perhaps prefer not to continue reading.

The prologue of the campaign would be framed in the early twentieth century: Harnessing the rare disease of Hitler and / or the founding of Ordo Novi Temple can invent a series of events that disrupt the kid who was Hitler at that time and which triggered years later the horrors we all know. The adventure would autoconclusivos.

In 1918 Thule be founded, which despite being at first a distraction from the rich and aristocrats soon is controlled by a series of shady characters to take control of the organization, the entry of Hitler on it helps to change the definitive the nature of the organization. Thule is postulated in this way in the organization reflects the organization enemy we created ourselves.

The decade of the 30 gives the starting point for a series of small batches, on an international stage, from now until the start of World War II our organization into contact with Thule, first "friendly" only to find part of their sinister intentions and begin a series of meetings throughout the globe vying for various items, relics and important discoveries in the style of Indiana Jones. Needless to win or achieve absolute success in all ventures, during this time take the opportunity to introduce NPCs as allies, villains (mad scientists, dark arts experts, unscrupulous military etc.) Or other forces (eg Chinese crime lords style Fu Manchu for example). That depending on the outcome of the adventure will enrich our atmosphere.

to structure this, and because of the organization we have created we can make each player has different characters they are more or less useful in each game. For example if they are to Tihuanaco can be very helpful an expert on the Inca culture, but if the game focuses on the Canary Islands or Tibet should be able to be equally expert.

In parallel with this is to notify the authorities of the real danger of Thule, but the warnings are unheeded until Pearl Harbour. Until then, the pjs operate without government or military.

As the campaign progresses We can even include characters in the Staff of the organization so that the players themselves make decisions about which characters are best suited for each mission, even including vigilant if we want to give a more pulp etc.

Once attacked Pearl Harbor President Roosevelt first heard our organization and provides government and military links. The campaign makes a sharp turn. Establishing a military unit that depends on them exclusively, and therefore so new characters in the campaign war games can be introduced to support research in academic characters. These war games may occur before, after or during a game would be interesting to research and play them with a system designed or adapted for them.

Meanwhile the Nazis would not stop, although the pre-war years have made many skills that have enabled them to accomplish many things. The discovery in Antarctica City In the Mountains of Madness gives them great scientific knowledge and on the primitive and to the progress of the allied summon Cthulhu arise (or other primitive) and control, it is Sturm Kraken operation (which until I give you the header image of the entrance). How can they control? Then through a mass human sacrifice to be known years later as the Holocaust. Concentration camps become fields of ritual sacrifice by raising the ashes of the dead to the glory of Cthulhu. Players must find this (by different games) and try to avoid the scheduling that will be held in Dresden . Although the army anyway not going to go with half measures on this event, and performed by both the famous bombing.

The epilogues epilogue or the campaign would be the operation paperclip applied to the occult and serve to close open weaves and finally (or not) with those villains who could not even finish.

Personally I would organize the campaign in several seasons, each with its own objectives, structure a series of TV adventure that each bring something to the goal of the season. ;


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