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This is how you think it will ..... |
you going to do, I've decided, you will be master, game warden, keeper of arcane, dj, arbitrator or whatever. At last you're going to run for the first time starting role.
find that the direction of an RPG is a more expensive to take a character, but very satisfying. Everything is a matter of opinion, there will be players who do not compensate, and others will tell you not understand the role without direct.
No matter if you bring years of playing role playing or you release it in the role and do it as master, here are a few tips on how to start running. And always be taken into account the experience is positive and encourages you to repeat. If you do not understand a word does not hesitate to consult the glossary rolero
Ask your usual master :
If you're a player, do not think that because they have played much longer can run well. The "office" are learning and how each group is different, your master will give regular advice appreciated. Talk to him, express your concerns and ask for advice before and during the game. Remember that two heads are better than one and can help you improve your experience and the game. Failure to do so is to lose your best source of information, do not forget.
Choose your game:
Choose which game you are leading, ideally, be familiar with the rules, as well it will be easier to start. However it is advisable to reread the manual, and signal markers to those aspects that may appear in your game and you are not familiar.
Le and a module : Leete
a module published the game you're going to lead. Although no direct it helps you get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to organize your game. In any primer will be an introductory adventure.
Choose adventure :
When choosing your first game you must decide among several options:
- A published or an adventure module designed for me? Personally, I think the best way to start is an adventure designed for yourself, although it takes more work to prepare. As you have devised the scenario know the internal logic of the game and if the PCs are diverted to paths you never imagined you will always be easier to improvise, just descriptions, locations and characters are always more vivid in your memory because you created you. Running a module released although it may seem easier it can be more complicated, as mentioned above. By not having to go thinking all your memory will be less experienced and may cost you more fit to make the pjs.
- Adventure "short or campaign? It's better than you started with a short adventure or one-shot. There will be time for the latter.
- Sandbox "or railroad ? If you have not played much these two words do not ring. A railroad adventure is a directed adventure, where, despite not having so many options and run a sandbox adventure involves extensive translating a stage where your players are going to move freely. To get started in the direction it is recommended that you start with a railroad adventure.
adventure Retouch:
If you've finally decided by a published module is a good idea once you've read, reflect on your play style and your own style and try adapt the module so that you more comfortable and perfectly aimed at understanding the internal logic of the game and the characters.
Think resources:
Think what resources you will feel comfortable running, simply by describing or using more materials like illustrations, music , etc software to run. Find what you're going to use and think about how to use it properly. If in doubt, remember, is your usual online master is a wealth of tips on the subject.
it simple too much at first and remember that the main thing is the game, sometimes using a computer, or other aspects of the game but does not improve the distortion.
Choose the group of players :
If you have not ever played a large group that you may choose the group players. You will know more than anyone. For your first game I recommend you choose those that can give you less problems, both at the level of detail in the rules, requirements or simply playing a fireman who has ideas. I recommend you head to a small group of people 2 or 3 players that a large group of players. It is always easier to be around if you run a few people and avoid separation of groups. Many masters can be bad players because of his extensive knowledge of the rules and different vision of how to run a game of yours, but not all.
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