Thursday, March 3, 2011

Afterbirth Bloody Discharge My Dog

On this day Ernest Gary Gygax died 3 years ago. Creator of Dungeons and Dragons and father of RPGs. A reminder for the master ....

And for those who do not know since that date, on March 4th is the day of the Masters, taking into account that most readers of this blog are masters I congratulate you for your work: getting week after week , month after month, year after year to bring fantasy, imagination and entertainment to your tables. A work not exempt from work.
If you, reader, you are master, congratulates you, comment it something of the game you're playing or invite for a beer tonight or the next time you see him recognizing his work and dedication. Provided by the old Gygax who continued playing until his last days. And keep rolling the dice on the table many years. Health to all.


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