Monday, February 28, 2011

Costco Spinning Bikes

The perception in the January

According to Wikipedia the perception is a process that allows the higher nervous organism, through the senses, receive, process and interpret information from their environment. It is evident therefore that the perception is a complex process, far more than you normally is explained in the different rules of RPGs, which tend to be explained fairly basic, sometimes without even having skills. The reality however is that perception is somewhat more complex. Gast7 made an approach the subject quite interesting. Here is mine.
A first aspect is that perception can be divided into active (conscious attempt to discover something) and passive perception (realize something without engaging in a conscious way to find out).

Perception active : During a game there are many options for using active perception but the most commonly used are:

Make a roll with the ability or property specified in the regulations with a standard difficulty for all players .

Ask the player to explain to us what she does in her quest for information. Perform (or not) a run with a standard difficulty for every player modified by the actions described by the player.

a player in the right place at the right time using appropriate skill. (Gumshoe system)

my opinion the former is the typical "first role, the third, can fall into a infrainterpretación of pj, not having to struggle in the minimum while The second person is the one I prefer.

Passive Perception: The use of passive perception is the responsibility of the master as this reflects the likelihood that a player is conscious in a moment of something without actively seeking it. As an example of that is being followed or a room is smaller than it should because of the size of the hall and other rooms for example.
The Masters typically use the following options:

ask a player to make a run or ask a player who has value in perception and makes a run with a standard difficulty all players or ask what skills you have (Gumshoe).

has recorded scores in perception of the players and make a run hidden or observed the skills possessed by players without saying anything about a difficult standard for all players.

is quite evident that the second option is best placed to prevent a player fails the roll of perception commissioned by the master, the master asked his assessment of perception or what skills you start looking or and just know that in that place or time something has been overlooked.

A second aspect is that perception involves physical aspects (receive), emotional and situational aspects (developed) and cultural aspects and sensitivities (interpretation).

physical aspects:

The way we receive information depends first on the physical substance of our character: Is it myopic? "Color blind? Is there any sense of smell?. Masters usually take into account on a regular basis the physical aspects of the characters. The characters have malus in case of a single eye or other sensory deficit. In this respect there is not much to say.

emotional and situational aspects :

One aspect we should consider is how we produce the information. We do not pay much attention if we are relaxed in a state of agitation. If we walk without thinking about anything in particular that if we concentrate on anything. Nor pay the same attention if we make any action or not, depending on the action. A perfect example would be using the phone at the wheel.
As masters should have in mind these aspects during the passive perception of difficulty in assigning to each player.

cultural aspects and sensitivities :

The final aspect is how we interpret the information received and processed. It is clear that the cultural influences of exercise each filter and what he calls the attention of a person totally ignores another. This is what we might call look. Two people in the same place at the same time under the same circumstances may look the same and "interpret" things differently.
acquired knowledge, training and even practiced sensitivities or personal tastes affect the personal view of each. That is why the masters should adjust the difficulty to perceive some aspect of both active and passive cultural knowledge, training and sensibilities of each character and these define a way his eyes (especially in games research)

Some examples:

Knowledge: Two characters are going through a building. The first is a doctor and not pay attention to the aspect ratio of the different areas of the building (hallway about rooms), while the second is an architect ever seen in an unconscious way the dimensions of the spaces of the building. In this case apply the same difficulty to a another character that would be unreal. It is normal to make it easier for some people perceive that with what is familiar.

Training: Two characters are making a record of a room. One is a private detective and one university professor. Whether the detective has a better value in the ability to discover, know where to look, because of their own training.

Sensitivities: Two characters are walking down the street to a destination. Being followed by black thugs hired by the villain. One player has specified that his character is racist, therefore it is normal to detect those who are not targets of an environment, and therefore fix them. So I should be more easy to detect that follow that the other character.

Finally we must also consider that the perception of each is subjective and therefore it is necessary to hide the rolls, but in case of failure should have some answers to give players a way that not generate unrealistic alertness. For example: A master makes a shot by a robber in a dungeon and the player realizes. Chuck is a failure. Needless to say he does not see nothing. You can claim to have heard a strange echo that one of the symbols of the wall is familiar or curious or their peers are making more noise than usual.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stores That Sell Dresses Like Bebe

Jewels role

I continue with the monthly collection of articles published on other blogs that I think fit to mine. In January we have fourteen "jewels" that are worth comment. It is very likely that many of you and know it, but if some of it is for another blog another rolero discover it the better.

About the art of directing : More
moral Alcoyano : Calm down ... you are minions offers some simple house rules for treating the moral battle.
Sandbox: Nonlinear Role playing: Antonio Polo from your blog Rolequest illustrates the concept of Sandbox in a comprehensive manner, giving examples, pros and cons and the possibilities that offer this type of scenarios.

Sorcery: Embrace The Lord of the oceans: Again we find superb material Wachinayn about the game you are designing: The Ishtar Gate. In this case is simply a description of a spell, but is so complete, complex and interesting than just by itself already has several ideas for adventures to complete, apart from scary. A spell also fully applicable to other games. For me the best of the month.

About Characters:
Guardian 2.0: Character Creation : Tristan Oberon gives his opinion on how to create characters for Call of Cthulhu. It's the most interesting.
researchers Cthulhu Mythos: Transmetropolitan up the glove of post that I just commented and throws his idea that is also very interesting.
Emotion Engine (I): Character Traits: Wachinayn reveals part of the system you want to implement in your game Ishtar Gate. This particular aspect I think is very interesting and easily applied to other games.

The costumes of the characters (and how to describe it) : Fudge Feldkirch offers a magnificent Renaissance costumes description and its use as social classes. In a second installment helps us being able to describe.
seems to have cooled: Quiet this post ... you are minions offers an interesting resource and a link to a weather generator fantasy. If you follow the link because we considered it interesting to another very entertaining post on the use of climate in the games.
Theatrum orbis terrarum sive Atlas Novus in quo tabulae et omnium regionum DESCRIPTIONS: The Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes offers us a world atlas, developed by Willem Blaeu in 1935 and compiled by his son Joan Blaeu, that was not completed until 1665. An excellent resource for games in the seventeenth century Alatriste, Villa and cutting blades Flashing or 7 Mar, among others.
The real name of the magical ingredients : Ricard Ibañez from your blog Histo-role offers an explanation of the magic ingredients. Besides entertaining, interesting, useful and disseminator. It is easy include it in a game or even organize inspired by what is described here.

and New Technologies on Role :
Hero Lab: Rafa on his blog behind the screen, we review a program to generate tokens for Pathfinder, D & D 4, savage worlds, and Mutants & Masterminds World of Darkness. If you are interested ... take a look.

On Role and ... :
Let's ... that : Alvar from random encounters makes a good reflection on how it is sex in RPGs. The post is interesting at least and the debate that was built later in the comments.
The exchange does not kill the culture : Master Erekíbeon has everything to answer my post Bad news for all .
Against the Law Sinde : Starkman provides an interesting perspective on Sinde Act and how it can affect the world of the role.

Enjoy all this material, in March more!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dryland Exercises For Butterfly

Leading role for the first time II

and may end up like this ....

second part of the entry Leading role for the first time.

Make a pact of expectations :
Talk to your players so that you know they expect from the game and let them know that you expect from them. Subscribe remarcales the main ideas and it's your first game and cooperation of everyone waiting. find more information here.
Watch the characters :
Pay attention to the characters that your players want to lead. For your first experience as a director is recommended a balanced group with people who are experts in different specialties (mage cleric thief warrior etc.) And also a group with a low level of internal conflict (Do not be a cop and a gangster together, or dwarf elf who hate to death ...). Do not give concessions to one or more players. Avoid powergamers.

Search tips online :
Do a search online for advice and specific aspects as they for example (you did not find here, of course).

Organize your papers :
is highly advisable to have everything in order: Ten underlined and marked module If you opted for a module published. If you opt for your own write yourself a guidance sheet sequence of events in another's name and description of the NPCs in the adventure. Have the necessary plans and maps and even a few more in case (always have at hand a tavern or bar!), Sheets etc NPCs and opponents. You can print things on sheets of different color or command you manner that is easy to see anything.

Locate the key moments of the game : The timing of the PCs have to get involved in a plot where they can lose their lives, where they are able to solve the puzzles or the final confrontation, the climax of heading etc. and special attention in their preparation and staging.

Direct :
Once relax at this point, the nerves are your worst enemies. Nobody is going to eat you or crucify a bad game. Assume commit a mistake, as everyone and remember that you are there to have fun.

Main errors:
  1. Do not be timid, do not be victimized by the players, if you take a correct decision that you think explain and keep it. Worse yet, do not be stubborn, not blind you in band to hear arguments of your players and rectify if necessary, players will not play against you. Avoid
  2. stiffness plot. The game is not a book you have written and must be exactly as you want. Create a scenario and are the players who decide the outcome and sometimes themselves will give you great ideas to include in your game. Always remember this phrase: It tells the director, tells all
  3. flee ahead: if you've thought about 1000 ways to react to a stimulus that players will find you plant 4000 to act on it. If their actions are far from your schemes prepared and should stop the game do, so take your time to think, prepare the necessary and play again. It is always better to miss one coherent adventure yourself and not know how to back ...
  4. little preparation. An excess of confidence, or carelessness can be fatal. A good master must be able to improvise, if necessary, but always better when you improvise a good job back. From the design of the game to a new reading session before heading
  5. Read: Do not read the game, and descriptions or speeches, get organized otherwise than by a look at some key ideas fluently and can explain your words what they see or hear. Think of someone reading a speech and another giving a speech and you'll understand.

Once the balance beam line. Both personally and with the players, discover your weak points and try to improve, identify the strengths and potential.

finally you jump to it I hope it can help you. In this blog you will find more material to be improving gradually. Good luck and welcome!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where Patches Go On Bikers Vest

Leading role for the first time I blog

This is how you think it will .....

you going to do, I've decided, you will be master, game warden, keeper of arcane, dj, arbitrator or whatever. At last you're going to run for the first time starting role.
find that the direction of an RPG is a more expensive to take a character, but very satisfying. Everything is a matter of opinion, there will be players who do not compensate, and others will tell you not understand the role without direct.
No matter if you bring years of playing role playing or you release it in the role and do it as master, here are a few tips on how to start running. And always be taken into account the experience is positive and encourages you to repeat. If you do not understand a word does not hesitate to consult the glossary rolero
Ask your usual master :
If you're a player, do not think that because they have played much longer can run well. The "office" are learning and how each group is different, your master will give regular advice appreciated. Talk to him, express your concerns and ask for advice before and during the game. Remember that two heads are better than one and can help you improve your experience and the game. Failure to do so is to lose your best source of information, do not forget.

Choose your game:
Choose which game you are leading, ideally, be familiar with the rules, as well it will be easier to start. However it is advisable to reread the manual, and signal markers to those aspects that may appear in your game and you are not familiar.

Le and a module : Leete
a module published the game you're going to lead. Although no direct it helps you get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to organize your game. In any primer will be an introductory adventure.

Choose adventure :
When choosing your first game you must decide among several options:
  1. A published or an adventure module designed for me? Personally, I think the best way to start is an adventure designed for yourself, although it takes more work to prepare. As you have devised the scenario know the internal logic of the game and if the PCs are diverted to paths you never imagined you will always be easier to improvise, just descriptions, locations and characters are always more vivid in your memory because you created you. Running a module released although it may seem easier it can be more complicated, as mentioned above. By not having to go thinking all your memory will be less experienced and may cost you more fit to make the pjs.
  2. Adventure "short or campaign? It's better than you started with a short adventure or one-shot. There will be time for the latter.
  3. Sandbox "or railroad ? If you have not played much these two words do not ring. A railroad adventure is a directed adventure, where, despite not having so many options and run a sandbox adventure involves extensive translating a stage where your players are going to move freely. To get started in the direction it is recommended that you start with a railroad adventure.

adventure Retouch:
If you've finally decided by a published module is a good idea once you've read, reflect on your play style and your own style and try adapt the module so that you more comfortable and perfectly aimed at understanding the internal logic of the game and the characters.

Think resources:
Think what resources you will feel comfortable running, simply by describing or using more materials like illustrations, music , etc software to run. Find what you're going to use and think about how to use it properly. If in doubt, remember, is your usual online master is a wealth of tips on the subject.
it simple too much at first and remember that the main thing is the game, sometimes using a computer, or other aspects of the game but does not improve the distortion.

Choose the group of players :
If you have not ever played a large group that you may choose the group players. You will know more than anyone. For your first game I recommend you choose those that can give you less problems, both at the level of detail in the rules, requirements or simply playing a fireman who has ideas. I recommend you head to a small group of people 2 or 3 players that a large group of players. It is always easier to be around if you run a few people and avoid separation of groups. Many masters can be bad players because of his extensive knowledge of the rules and different vision of how to run a game of yours, but not all.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Zebra And Volleyball Layout

The keys

Today is the actual entry number 100 * of the blog, and miss only 10 days to complete the six months since the foundation of it. So notice entry complacent, self-aggrandizement and personal (not everything will be theory and serious issues.)

Personally :

des Those that follow me from the beginning and know that I married in September. And I showed the twins made me do specifically for the wedding. Today I'm as left me .... "Are cool or not?
As you can see Cthulhu was not invited to the wedding (even though we ate squid!)

Well I have not enjoyed the honeymoon ... and it touches me. That means that when I leave for a while will be somewhat disconnected. In any case, for those who faithfully follow me I have left a scheduled weekly entry lest you forget the blog.
way to take advantage of all of my free time to reflect further on the role and as in any journey that I tried to soak in the history, culture and society where I go and find the role-playing possibilities it offers, an exercise that you recommend everyone.

About blog:

Perhaps you noticed that I have created a topical index and I've been gathering input blocks so for those of you who have been incorporated for six months and you feel like reading the old posts count him easy. As many of you know the blog has a vocation of service and become a kind of blog manual advanced role and hopefully serve as a guide for novice masters so they can improve their games by a better method than trial and error that many had to practice.
labels have changed so that now relate with the index. If not put in the sidebar or not ... What do you think?
Indeed, the second survey ends today, so if you have left for last. It's time to answer.

New projects:

After six months I have thought you might wash your face a little to the blog and I consider a design change .... we'll see.
on my list of topics to be developed, which continuously evolves with now are the following:

  1. -The defeat
  2. -Leading first-
  3. The narrative context-Ucronia
  4. -Organization Live role-addressed
  5. laptop rolero
  6. -Software-adjustment
  7. difficulty
  8. -Integration-Experientación
  9. games.
  10. -errors when starting / designing a campaign
  11. -group dynamics and direction of play
  12. -social skills and game management

The keys to the blog :

Also today I make a appeal in order to deliver a copy of the keys to the blog.
keychain mola eh? I did it myself ...
What I mean by that? Well, I encourage you all to collaborate with the lab geek somehow
such as:

  • Writing a blog post. (Yeah, I'm looking for collaborators)
  • Making me yours or get an entry from another blog / fanzine that has to do with the content of the blog and you think it's worth collecting it here
  • raising issues that you would like to try the blog
I would like the lab time to become a common place where writing about the role theory, where several authors collaborate and each brings its own view on different subjects. It is not a closed lab.

About experience:

Finally I would like to speak from the experience of managing the blog. Despite a fairly long resume as a player, the experience of the blog has been very rewarding in several respects:
The first is the discovery of the blogosphere role-playing in all its dimensions, and get to know each day to read something about me favorite hobby.
The second is to become part of a community of bloggers and people unknown to me but we share the same hobbies, via comments and facebook is nice to discuss various points of view.
The third will understand especially those who have been trainers ever. When you prepare a subject you are forced to investigate and reflect on the look you want to convey, and learn the same year. These six months of sharing my ideas, that I have to analyze them from different points of view coming to conclusions and sometimes deeper contrary to my initial ideas. And all that translates into improvements in my game weekly.

On the "audience" :
I would not end without thanking you for following my blog. I encourage keep doing it and comment. especially
This blog is nurtured by providing feedback that you can leave your experience, ideas and theories. We all benefit from them and I thank each of you your input.

Greetings ; Bert Athala

* If you look there are over 100 entries. This is because some of them created by me to avoid overloading the idic theme and are part of the subscript.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Football Youthtackle Chicago

The villain in the role

" a man's greatness is measured by his enemies "

The last aphorism can be applied to the narratives. A good story always improves with the presence of a good villain, a good enemy. Sauron, Darth Vader, Joker, Morgan, Richelieu, The Kurgan (the Immortals), alien, Goldfinger, Jaws, Milady de Winter, Fu Manchu, Dracula, Magneto, Long John Silver, Lex Luthor, terminator, Agent Smith, Fray Emilio Bocanegra, Malamadre are several examples ... is normal then for our part we want to introduce a villain memorable character and the players appreciate confront him. How can we do?
The reflection of the hero: Dale
as important as your pjs give their characters. Dedicate it to their file creation for a while, like a character you're going to take you.

Many of the good villains have a well defined origin marking them motivated. Except those listed above Richelieu all know its origin (and the 3 Musketeers know the origin of Milady de Winter, another memorable villain.) Dedicate also time to create for a coherent story.

If we mentioned that a villain is the reverse of this pjs and asked them to explain how is his personality is just that we same with the villain. In this way we avoid creating villains we cloned and guides on how to act in case of an unexpected response of pjs. For this serves the same personality form that we proposed for the players.

A style:
Getting a specific style villain is essential. The armor of Vader, the Joker's smile, or the clothing of Cardinal de Richelieu, the severed leg of Long John Silver, or the smile of a shark.

A good name :
is basic, Fray Emilio Bocanegra, Darth Sidius, The Kurgan, Malamadre ... estrujaos the brain to find a name that inspires "something." (My last villain is a swordsman named Victor Verdugo, for example, only the name and scary)

Portrait of Victor Verdugo
A characteristic :
The wheeze of Vader, the Joker's insane laughter, the words of Fu Manchu ( The world will know about me), how to wring the neck before fighting Agent Smith ...
Other details:
A music accompanying him (who can forget Vader's Imperial March)
This set her free ...

How to play with him :
The big mistake is that while other stories the villain may occur in situations that do not share the stage with the actors is not so in the role. In film and literature show us the villain in scenes without the actors and we know it, know about it, discover their origins and motivations and so fascinated with him to know and hate / love him even. If we follow the above steps, and we create a good villain but the players know just what in the final scene and just have time to do a monologue or even that! You can only aspire to go to your particular role-playing history for the hardness of combat, a minor issue and all previous effort is useless, besides the characters of the players are "enpequeñecidos" by not having anyone to be measured.

is why to have a great villain must "present" the pjs, must appear repeatedly and represent a danger and nuisance to the players. To achieve this we must achieve a proper presentation and atmosphere of the villain, seek him a specific music for him and describidlo well within the parameters outlined above. The pjs must learn to hate (and love). We give you the opportunity to explore, get details from him, how he became what it is and why.

The villain can evolve as your pjs does not stand still until the end of the story, do not be afraid to raise their characteristics but must be given careful not to make the villain in invulnerable, because any player suck to kill him at any meeting, make it powerful, very powerful, but human suffering against the players but they do not have a chance to kill him, otherwise just frustrate players and improved throughout villain with a scar made by your players or with an astonishing ability to survive (and grafted artificial parts!). And if you die by chance, it creates another period.

The villain has to win. Whatever you do, what makes a villain in the final villain is to win. If your players lose against a villain will have a frustrating time, but the problem becomes an opportunity. Spurs his thirst for revenge and give them the opportunity of revenge. That defeat escocerá them for some time, but will immortal villain. Host a new game or campaign against it. In my personal experience ten years ago I'm kicking your ass waiting for a vampire named Arabic Abdel Hazir won us the game. In my group we have not forgotten our defeat ...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Online Tickets Silver City

comeback Compiled

contentotes We are participating in this festival in Monterrey. Last year was spectacular and this year especially because surely exceed we are in the lineup. If I were you and would be buying a ticket.
On the other hand, a day before he left the lineup, we were told via Twitter during this podcast made in Spain were recommended by a English celebrity. If you want to know who was just coming here to be heard and is screened for yourself.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Beyonce Or J Lo Best Figure

III Progress Report Motivation and role

The blog that you follow the know give the principle that has lowered the rate of publication, as warned in the last progress report. The pace was published almost daily workload of unaffordable for a very long period by one person. It has been lowering the rate to try to offer two tickets per week, which is no small thing and try to move while maintaining a minimum rate of one entry per week.
For those curious about the incidence of the blog here I bring a progress report. On this occasion we summarize the last three months, November, December and January.


This month had a good rate of publication, 17 entries in 30 days, despite being lower than October. The month was marked by the Telperion affair. It glittered visits from October, as expected.

2179 unique visits 1.9 pages per visit

Most viewed:
phone Sounds roleplaying with 153 visits

Referring Sites:

Visitors by Country: Spain

Mexico United States


this month were published in 12 innings, lowering of publications clearly reflected in the visits. There is a significant drop in visits as natural. The month is marked by the beginning of the monograph on Cthulhu and Nazis, which had a discrete outcome despite the work done and the accolades.

1351 visits
1.99 pages per visit 2:25 minutes per session.

Most Viewed Posts:
role magical objects with 105 views

Referring Sites:
role Network

Visitors by Country: Spain

Argentina Venezuela


In January, a surge of visits made over the previous month, although only 10 entries published in the month. This month is marked by reflection of retroclones, and be mentioned in Adventures in the East Mark (you run a lot of traffic) and the completion of the monograph of Cthulhu and Nazis. It improves time and average page views per session.

2039 visits
2.05 pages per visit 02:33 minutes per session.

Most Viewed Posts:
December 171 visits

Referring Sites:

Visitors by Country: Mexico


Argentina have already been amply surpassed the 30,000 visits, there are 164 people who follow the blog through facebook and 72 followers public. All this in 5 months. Thank you very much everyone for your attention.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Insurance Company That Covers Bariatric

"Motivation and role? A priori will think that I lost the pot at the time of writing this entry, but please read it before judging it.
Clearly you are all motivated when you play a role, come on, you do so voluntarily. My idea goes a little further.
know the intricacies of motivation is quite useful for many activities and crafts, from group leaders (work or volunteer) to teachers. Motivate participants in an activity can make the difference between routine and something magnificent. That is why I think any master (which plays a leading well understood within the table) can do well to reflect a bit about motivation.

If you're asking the question How may affect motivation in my tables? Here are some answers, have motivated the group to:
Avoid items or campaigns left half, add to the fun, improve the way you play, increase the commitment of the players (attendance, punctuality etc.) among other things. There is not much right?

Because make no mistake, there are situations that can discourage players: we all have games or environment that we like most and least, players can get "hits" as the loss of a character, object or fail in any part of a campaign, parts of an item that does not connect with the players, tired of playing a long campaign, etc.

The wikipedia find that the reasons are the stimuli that drive a person to take action and persist in them for completion. This term is related to willingness and interest. Motivation necessarily require that there is any need that may be among other things for pleasure (as the case at hand). The motivation is the link that leads to that action to meet that need or convenience, or to quit.

The reasoning may be due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The first comes from the personal understanding of the world and second coming of the external incentive factors. The first is so widely spread in time and the effect of the latter is shorter .

We assumed that all players are already feeling some motivation when they sit to play, we assume that when we play a role and perform an activity that we like. Therefore a priori intrinsic motivation is assumed in all participants, role-play.

But like everything there are always different degrees of motivation for performing this activity and the fact that there will be players who just play and catapult them to high degrees of motivation to be some not so much. Here come the extrinsic factors of motivation. That would become the stimulus that you as a master can use to improve the motivation of your players.

To encourage your players is very desirable both make a pact expectations from time to time, such as keeping an ongoing dialogue with them and introduce dynamic that allows them to participate in the narrative. So you can tailor your management style, content, line, dynamics etc. so all this happy group.

can also motivate players through good use of resources narrative, play flashbacks of the past of a character can get the player to increase their motivation to finish the session with a cliffhanger (a scene that will generate buzz.)

Another technique motivation is to fill the player's personal aspirations regarding their character. Obviously not all, or which exaggerated nor easily. If a player is dying to get a magic sword offer him the opportunity, make a small chapter to get it. Of course I know you want to have to be aware of the character and dialogue with the player on the pj.

Another technique that I personally use in my long campaign has been giving away things that have to do with the game, from looking illustrations that reflect their personalities , make myself a bookmark and this Last year we gave thumbnails of your characters. (So \u200b\u200byes, we almost 4 years of campaigning ...)
What I struggled to find a figure with a monkey! Look to the right of wearing a beret as their Pj's Basque

can also be motivational sessions to introduce external things related to the game from a bottle of mead rolean taken when relaxation in a tavern, a Pedro Ximenez if roleando century Seville by gold or invite them to dinner pasta with meatballs before playing a game of gangsters.

Another technique I've used is to create a trailer to send the pjs during periods of rest of the season.

sure you have other techniques you

why it is important to observe players, trying to capture the mood and to give everyone what they need at any time, you may even find If in any session, you ought to relax the standards of the game if you notice that some players are stressed!

Attention to these details is a good exercise and the players appreciate and results in many aspects within and outside the game.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Im Gonna Pikachu In The Shower

recap ... Resources

With every intention of making the blog a kind of handbook of advanced role I've been checking out some entries and editing them so that it is easier to navigate through the blog between entering and another, and so I realized that going recapitulating similar entries would be a good idea for those who want to face any questions or are incorporated into the monitoring of the blog recently.

So yesterday I dedicated myself to recap some input as you can see in the list of links in the sidebar or below in this post I have created several case are simply the gateway to the number of entries or in some cases the index or summary of all entries that are part of the monograph.


personality generic tab
Dissemination of the role

This is the first step towards a thematic index that I will do soon.

Enjoy browsing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

N.j With Milena Velba

narrative: Cliffhanger and role. Cthulhu

As I commented in entry Different languages \u200b\u200b narrative and role, we can inspire other narrative media not only content, but also in narrative resources and adapt them to our games. A very interesting narrative device that occurs in movies, TV shows, literature or comic is called in English " Cliffhanger."

According to wikipedia the cliffhanger, literally hanging off a cliff ", which translates as" on edge "are the scenes that usually the end of chapter / movie etc. that is expected to continue in another installment, generate suspense or shock needed to make the audience interested in the outcome or development of that effect in the next installment. This manages to keep in suspense the viewer / reader / player to the outcome of the situation.

A clear example of cliffhanger (for me the most representative) is the end of "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back when Han Solo is frozen in carbonite.

The cliffhanger is a resource that is easily adaptable role, we can use it in different ways and generate the same effect as in other media narrative: the expectation. And this expectation is even better for our environment than any other narrative as to be an interactive narrative, that expectation generates motivation, stress and focuses the player in the game getting in the way that the story is better in general.

How to use the ciffhanger in RPGs?

The jump between scenes: When the group of players has been divided and we share the story time some players have two options when changing the / the recipient / s which is directed our story: Expect to complete a scene or change leaving the players in a cliffhanger.

The end of the session: The final session of play is the best time to end with a cliffhanger . The group will be thinking of heading home, spends week (or range that is) thinking about how to save the situation and start the next session concentrated. To end up like the session, the master must learn to master the times and sometimes you have to speed up secondary aspects, lengthened or introduce new ones to the end may coincide more or less at the time of the end of the session. You must also have the ability to improvise a cliffhanger you did not have a schedule or change depending on the performance of pjs. Do not fall into the "complex writer" and whether to cancel, is canceled.

The cliffhangers in role can also have drawbacks. Cut the action at certain times restricts the spontaneity of the player and have time to plan their response to stimuli that have presented as a master. Plus you can discuss it with other players and if it is a cliffhanger amid a session can also be dismissal of the action that elapses with other characters or even the conversation you have to plan their actions distorted. But nevertheless I think the benefits it can bring the narrative resources outweigh the disadvantages.

not obsess about ending all your sessions with cliffhangers, there will be sessions that can and sessions that not be counterproductive to force things.