Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dogs Watery Stool Treating


When the other girls to go, nothing any teenager, skipping the line in Sorata , came into his hands, in my eyes, bunches of other languages from other lands, other stories: Meursault, Die-hop, Mother-hop. When. And I was the girl who was reading The Stranger as one reads the palm of your hand. Aujourd'hui, maman est morte. Today. Ou peut-être hier. Such time. J'ai reçu a Télégramme de l'asile, "Mother dead. Funeral tomorrow. Condolences. " Cela ne veut rien dire. It was perhaps ontem. Ou to-ontem Ontem. Mom will be dead. Died. Cede. Decede. And jump. Endlessly jumps. As the tongue. As the girl out. From language to language. As the wild settings portuñol-Chicano or Mexican. Salta. As Salta (sallqa "? Sallka? Samko?). As Sorata. That aymara. Aymara language says the jury, in its way, borrow borrow, sworn. Abroad is the language. Is not there. So my friends at another border, in Ciudad Juarez, on that other archifrontera, choose to speak, of course, dentures (say: posmaterna language), but remain Stuck with it?, without cheating though, on the banks motherfucker, mother of all shells. Open court, I say to the court that had no name, no native or alternative, or posnativo, what is on the verge of coming, to come to invent. Such Sorata. Such Paraguayan eating soup (falling) apart. Perhaps the chairo quechuaymara at the tip of the tongue. The strange. Strange spider today Ragunan. Knitting, weaving and Despeckle and without plot or Descreen, love. Sea. ExtraMED . Again - this time - at home.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Html Nested Radio Buttons

Témoin in moins

............................... moreover unwitnessed

several times I thought the show
close to my own, sometimes the other witness

less and know more than
upside, the cla -
potement eyes, worms,

point line, without a word, without
actually a song? quasi-transcendental? cla-

potait bottom waters
Marranos? more
-ial time yesterday

screaming erratum
both hands at home, more than one, yet
at heart, more than once yesterday

to extraduire fin au témoin sans parler marin
voy a heridas, heridas sin of devengar bine, byen,

vengo (viens).


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Operation For Prolapsed Bladder 2009

LETTERS VAN, Viennese (24/10/2007)

Régis Bonvicino escribió (a carmen Abaroa):

Dearest Carmen, Great

who disagrees. We'll publish your answer on the site today still Sibyl, though I disagree with its content idem, his answer, and find it a bit violent and without - excuse me - many convincing arguments.


ps: Rolando você vai answer. Carmen

Abaroa wrote (a régis bonvicino):
cc: Rolando Sánchez Mejías
Dear Regis,

partner (not always pair) between nationalism and political (and, more broadly, narcissism and writes) not can only worry and worry, potions that open and / or close, heal and / or kill - not to put everything programmatically in the same boat ---, hence perhaps that was not entirely insensitive to your campaign against nationalism (plain) arts.

That you have found um pouce violent my shipment is to some extent understandable, as one realizes, free perusal by as the violence implicit (unconscious - I bet - that is, not overlapping, but no less violent for them) of your Charter, whose motivation, again, I do not doubt.

disarm, stop violence (social and textual, etc.), Would not be any, among many other duties without duties (without programming rules) that touches (also) more and we still call it poetry? And it is said that not expire nor convincing: it is exposed, on the way, (it) extrovierte.

Greetings again,

Régis Bonvicino escribió (a carmen Abaroa):

Extremely expensive,

I liked his response letter. Calmly tell you what the exact points that I disagree. But, you did us a great good that the Catalans refuse to do: discussed, debated . Something of great value democratic. I know that the theme of "nationalism" is sensibílissimo. Yes, the Brazilian smashed his Indians. What I have to tell you how blanco? Vergüenza! Etc. Get a big hug. And invitation to send poems and essays to Sibyl , ok?


Rolando Sanchez Mejias escribió (a carmen Abaroa): Dear Carmen

is very reasonable indeed everything that you post. And we know how sensitive the "theme" of "national", even "nationalism."

In our case, it was better to run the risk of a letter "calling" (almost libel) than a deeply theoretical text. A "nationalists" are not convinced radical (here in Spain) with "theories." A blind, almost have to oppose "other" blindness. The blindness of NO to the expulsion of writers because they speak Castilian stations etc, NO that is only supported cultural policies towards the Catalan language (in a society where 60% is Castilian-speaking) policies that are supported by taxes on all citizens.

party Esquerra Republicana is a seriously dangerous. It has nothing to do with the nationalists of "center." And that's NOT our is aimed primarily at them, trying to "radicalize" a society that is bilingual.

other hand want separation from Spain. And 80% of the company in Catalonia, not want. Because there are too many family ties and cross centuries and two modern languages, as there is a clear separation of some of the most beautiful in the world, Spain, based on their differences.

this for now.

Hugs, Rolando

Carmen wrote Abaroa (a Rolando Sánchez Mejías):
cc: mailto: regis@uol.com.br

Thanks, Rolando.

There is a tone of openness in your response, friendly even, which I welcome, invaluable.

Respect your risk call (to the point at times even perhaps confused with whom you reported). And, of course, the responsibilities involved.

now abundantly points out: there are more of a nationalism in the game (there, here and there) and everyone is not easily assimilated. Make war without further nationalism was both unfair and irrelevant. Pessoa is not the same or il Duce Marti. Is clear: if we do not differentiate, to some extent at least, increasingly , no decision or responsibility, or will there be stressed?, That we still call poem.

is not, however, oppose the re-step "theory" and "practice" (some would say perhaps, "poetry" - supposedly in the clouds - versus "political" - supposedly grounded) but will agree , to undo, as far as im / possible, everything - conscious or unconscious - dogmatism.

Another hug, Carmen

Bonvicino Régis wrote (a carmen Abaroa):
bine! Hugs.

Régis ----- Original Message ----- Charter

Bmi For Big Breasted Women

poetic-political: not nationalism?

estimable Rolando Sánchez Mejías, Régis Bonvicino and others / as,

how not agree with your desire to trigger a global movement against nationalism in the arts, how not to subscribe to your shipment (cf. Catalonia Charter does not nationalist), without fail, to some extent, answer / what?

The disagreement here, radical (from a root remains , saying Celan, however, the air), far from calling into question your good intentions, is elsewhere. De facto: discordance so thoughtful and practical. For your letter, for long passages, exactly does the opposite of what says: pampers, mirrors bit with the opponent not reported, and is at times caught up in violence, rhetoric and language. Does your non-nationalist Charter was indeed a nationalist Charter against nationalism (and against itself by the way), this is still a Letter in the heart of nationalism? "Uma letter not nationalism? Such time. This was the point, today, disjunct. And an unfinished, here, what you decide? For if there is something irreducibly violent that were identified unambiguously, the absolute reference - for the case: the idealization (ie, the substantiation) of "nationalism", aka death. As one. As pure. As simple - for nothing, and input, fractured, inessential, disjunct (by others is such a disjuncture which makes any operation identifying "socio-political" and / or "text"). Even with the best intentions and ways of true.

Towards advances where Catalan nationalism?, part questions / answer your shipment, that is, assuming that because they call Catalan nationalism is one, and that a , this alleged a unique identity of the nationalism, uniquely advances (then however, we are told that this "progress" is really a "setback" delusional regression). Is not this gesture, there, confirmed, your, which gives an alleged identity value to nationalism, which immediately - and throughout the charter - specifically denounced? Still added: The question, of course, can be extended to other nationalisms and their meaning in modern societies . Translated: "progress towards where [the] other nationalisms, apart from the Catalan - but in truth (the truth is revealed to us the phrase that comes immediately in the Charter), others are not, or only empirically, then share, according to you the same fate as the Catalan nationalism? Response, yours: the political use of alleged "values \u200b\u200bof identity," coercively suppressing differences, etc. It is the leitmotif and singing voice of the whole letter: The Catalan nationalism [stress] today is articulated through a more or less covert violence, which operates institutionally covered with "good manners" , say, perhaps, with good intentions.

What is usually called nationalism (such as narcissism - even in the arts), if there is one (as you suggest), out of more than one entry, ie, differentiated and even differences among them, by little we forget their role (complex) in so-called independence of Latin American countries called on the current processes (perhaps even more complex) to dignify the continent's indigenous peoples called called American, and even in the romantic tradition called (ie, almost all the literature called modern). Or even, in every movement (perhaps endless) of incorporation of children in adults, beginning, as you know, with identifications of all sorts. Condemn nationalism without more, simply, if such exist, might sound good to the ear of beautiful souls, but in fact entails (even unconsciously) identify with the worst of the condemned and, incidentally, to victimize every child and / or girl to every infant that even we / others dwell, and who knows, we talk. (Incidentally in solidarity also that recently violated Ecuadorian girl in Barcelona just because, just because they have been identified as not identical, not same - because Ecuador).

In short: send your sobering and appreciated. Your intention is shared. However, all subscribe subscribe complaint of injustice in life (social) and just arts, that is, any initiative not phagocytosed by the gesture, speech, rhetoric, language and violent act that does but, beyond the possible nature of their intentions, to confirm and increase the unjust.

Regards, Carmen

Monday, October 22, 2007

Bare Bronze Illuminating Face Tint Where To Buy

auxiliary spirits poetry
to prosópito Yasusada Araki et al.

1. That shamanism oldest and most recent poetry are - who could now miss? As of writing, called shamanic practices in all its diversity, immemorially extended across much of Asia and throughout Latin America before (pre-European New World invention) and then be taken as an ingredient irreducible an in / some connection with the death, with death in life and, more specifically, relationship and correlation with living beings nor entirely dead or completely, often called (translated from a wide variety of languages as) "spirits." The testimonies are endless. Just a button, shows: The power of the paye (Tupi-Guarani shaman) came relations with the spirits [...]. His power depended most of the time of the assistance rendered by the spirits [...] Many other examples can be cited in that almost all the acts of the spirit paye depended upon which he exercised his authority (A. Métraux, The religion of the Tupinambás , chap. VII, 1950, trans. mine).

However, the spirits who (se) relates or tells the shaman (which in some cases there may be a woman, as in the case of the Mapuche machis ) were not mere spirits in the predominantly Western sense of the term, that is, they were not merely disembodied souls, mere idealities or meanings pure (immaterial), then to some extent be virtually corporeal, leaving view and / or interviews at times and well, showing, do not fall to an arrest but no more. The shaman summons the spirits many times a song (the love) and snuff smoke, and to hear what outrageous even for knowledge, know-however improbable (performative testimony before objectification or calculable assurance of "real"), which is required on occasion, and as allies in a single enterprise for a certain Poie or do (hence the name of "sorcery" to be received often shamanism ), cure and / or kill, do good and / or evil. The ambivalence, the oscillation of meaning is here constant, congenital: both as an ally or auxiliary, may become virtually a spirit, and sometimes in the most unexpected moment, a formidable opponent. As the drug, and as writing by others, undecidable, spirits heal and / or sick, open and / or closed, enliven and / or kill - at a distance. Enemies be faithful the recently named a Brazilian anthropologist predatory. Of spirits and their cousins, the spectra (that sometimes are identified), we hear, and discourse, politics heatedly not a little today in the (mis) called digital age.

2. As Alberto Caeiro and Alvaro de Campos (heteronyms called Fernando Pessoa), but differently, Araki Yasusada , the author of Doubled Flowering (From the Notes of Araki Yasusada, edited and translated by Tosa Motokiyu, and Okura Ojiu Norinaga Kyojin, Roof Books, New York, 1997) you have taken, in shamanic terms, such auxiliary spirit, so alien to a shaman ally contemporary writer, stepped to his aid by their own editors and translators (also "spirits"). FICTION literary fiction author, will be nominated as early an astute reader ( Eliot Weinberger ) and will be agreed another ( Kent Johnson ) or even hyper-author (Mikhail Epstein )? Yes and no. Yes, as long as a citizen Yasusada Araki (Japanese) never will have existed as such. And no, as the division secured between truth and fiction, reality and unreality of a name, a trazo-en/de-un-poema, was the very thing that writing poetry (such as shamanic practice), in contrast to the literature in the traditional sense, will come to destroy and leave in the air from now. The question of identity, still obsessed with not few, for the identification of who write factually Doubled Flowering is not without its unquestionable socio-literary interest, but, poetic as shamans, to some extent, it was irrelevant ( and the point of "to some extent" can only be decided from the poem, reading and literacy original, or better, transoriginal).

3. Shamanically speaking, what Yasusada Araki is called? What is their involvement in both spirit helper? What was the point at stake, the problem (what is thrown at the front) that his writing, responding to a certain point, you face? More than one, for sure. The status of the testimony (of the truth like fiction) poetry. The compulsion identifying the global worldly art. The original translation (without knowing it: the traslucine). But. To emphasize the point just now, disjunct: guilt. The guilt apology, which is blamed for more forgiving and forgetting automatically. The guilt that gnaws and irresponsabiliza the Far West (the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the cowboy Bush in Iraq) and, ultimately, to what is still called Christian Western Civilization or, dry West. The fault to be operated not a little to the editors of major American literary magazines, in early 90s, were quick to publish enthusiastic and admiring the fascinating writing of an alleged victim (in person) from Hiroshima, but after renegade learn about its "fictitious", prosthetic, spirit helper. Ethics (not rules) of Yasusada, its decision and responsibility to the fault, really infinite, incalculable, the unpayable debt of the Far West: Doubled Flowering. For one thing is to blame (Western Judeo-Christian, etc..), another responsibility (in the shipping between no longer reachable without). Disclaimer up in / a point, ahead, because there is no response if there is no decision absolute answer (meaning full and free) or recipient if this is entirely predetermined (before / who respond) or in the name of what and / or who else that is secured in total. The poem is said another way around. Shipping exposed to convergence - the meeting. To alter. With anyone. Spirit (also) maybe. Again? Malgré Yasusada (for not insist, damn ), well entendu : Location

this is curious. Where we dream of transparent letters blocks from the heart that is not. For though this is precisely where we find we are non.

Zeta Upsilon Alpha Kappa Alpha Usf

Double Flourish in Yasusada Araki (by A. Allard et al.)

[no data] *

-dedicate this poem to the great poet American Jack Spicer.

of porous sound built. the temple, beyond this, in the fields of chrysanthemums and the pine forests of Hiroshima. out of focus. a temple where we measured silence. Not hear the

through as this was not possible to love but not in principle be a human being. not remain as a symbol at first.

a symbolic farmer. because the words sound as
burn in the hearts of the farmers. or Hiroshima. a space marked for the passerby.

where one is / tá is a temple to an already
makes us forget we're at it. where we are in silence.

where we aquesta is rare. where we dream of letters transparent blocks from the heart that is not. for though aquesta is precisely where we are we will not find us.

6 *

on and off, and
if licked your mouth speaker, I know there is nothing there. but if I keep my tongue in a written statement, it
this is an event to remember the dead are dead and that's that. forgetting the candle held after the talks
figure behind the screen.
or did the mouth, calligraphic friend, casts its own shadows?
"on Hiroshima," he writes, "the shadows of the winners were as photographed in concrete blocks."
Or simply are lit for a long time? Or both share a forgotten language?
or perhaps we gave as by a tube to the ideograph barely legible on the screen of paper -
space "around them where the shadow
and mouth are one?

* Considering the last "sentence", it seems more plausible that imitative poem was written after Yasusada be informed of the death of Spicer. May also have been written as part of a series that Yasusada mentioned in his letter to Fusei of November 7, 1967. The original is in English.
* calligraphy ink in katakana syllabary in a ringed notebook handmade. This poem is a transformation # 6 of the poem in the collection of Jack Spicer Language, 1965. The original direct quote Spicer has a variation: Yasusada Changed 'victims' to 'winners' [Victor's].

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Homecoming Flat Sandles

Telescope with Urn
February 14, 1960
image extroyecta galaxies as a cloud of sperm
expand, says the guide of the observatory, and how fast
is like the idea of \u200b\u200bflowers blooming in the flower idea
transombrearla like me, highlights the spicy, agreed with his rough fingers
were tiny, crouched on a blue bucket to drain
terrible, we scream, arrojándote the lot in the direction of the stars
attentive, sleep, turned up the large telescope of Mount Horai
view how the crane, close the crane, is rather small for the urn.


[De Doubled Flowering, by Araki Yasusada; overlap Omar and Carmen Cáceres Abaroa, from the English translation of Motokiyu, T., Norinaga, O., et al., Edited by Kent Johnson and Javier Alvarez ( Roof Books, NY, 1997)].

Friday, October 19, 2007

Electric Beds Comment

hidden in the home (by Roman Antopolsky)

hidden in the stone show will start

and you start blowing into the occult.

hidden in the boot with your fingers

the wheel in your hand

and save you time

is now therefore being.

hidden in the home front

stone arm is long

and the word that they say was snatched from

fist and nail as eyes look out after pupils
white liquid


hidden in the home reaches

a train full of shadows, to stop and the half-open its doors

all out like a cloud, low,

one and are immersed in the earth.

In the end the cars almost look - the penultimate

is visible and the last among the branches: the hidden

start the journey into the shadows.